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Enlaces y Alianzas

In its 20 years of existence, the Westside Neighborhood Council (WNC) has had many successes, but maybe the most important achievement has been bringing representatives of the seven powerful local homeowner associations, Century City Condo associations, business community, schools, non-profits, religious institutions, LAPD and LAFD together to reach compromises and consensus on issues such that City agencies and others are forced to give weight to the stakeholder positions reached by the WNC.   The WNC is addressing important issues that affect the quality of life of our stakeholders.


The WNC’s Mobility Committee is working toward developing regional solutions to the traffic congestion problems existing in our area as well as the entire westside by garnering input from as many, diverse stakeholders as possible.  The WNC’s Land Use Committee is working with Planning Department and City council office to help assure all land use applications are passed by the committee, and by extension affected resident associations, before decisions are made.  The WNC’s Outreach committee is looking for ways to revitalize the businesses and storefronts on Westwood and Pico Boulevards so that those streets might form a coherent and aesthetically pleasing commercial environment as our own “shop and walk” small town in the big city.






Seat #1 –  [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Century Park West, Santa Monica Boulevard, and Pico Boulevard] –
Jae Wu: Local resident and business owner, Jae Wu of Heyler Realty is also a parent to 2 young boys being raised in this community and has spent countless volunteer hours to do all she can to continue to make this area the best place to live, work and play. So far, she has participated in Plant Pico and Pick Pico as a member of the WNC, hosts the annual Chili Cookoff and Heyler Harvest Festivals for the community to enjoy for free. She enjoys making a difference and being involved in the community. Heyler Realty is a residential real estate and mortgage brokerage firm helping the residents of The Westside Triangle (Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park and Westwood neighborhoods).


Seat #1  Alternate – VACANT


Seat # 2 – [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Century Park West, Santa Monica Boulevard, and Pico Boulevard] –
Lisa Morocco, Vice-Chair:  Lisa Morocco has lived on the Westside since 1989 and is proud to serve as a member of the Westside Neighborhood Council. She is self employed and runs her own business from home. Lisa also serves as Secretary on The Lange Foundation Board, President of the Overland Avenue Community and was appointed by Mayor Eric Garcetti to serve as a commissioner on the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission. Lisa co founded Pick Pico, an annual local street fair sponsored by the WNC to promote local schools, businesses, nonprofits and artists. She has worked to bring a 1.8M grant to the area through an MTA Call for Projects grant. Her focus is to revitalize Pico and Westwood commercial corridors and give support to local businesses in the area. Lisa also serves as a Chairman of the Outreach Committee.


Seat #2 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #3 – [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located south of Pico Boulevard in the Westside Neighborhood]


Seat #3 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #4 [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located south of Pico Boulevard in the Westside Neighborhood]
Jeff Hronek:  Jeff is second generation Hronek to live on the Westside.  He started Jeff Hronek Hardwood Floor Inc. 30 years ago.  Jeff began his involvement with the WNC as an alternate then was selected to represent Business Seat 3.  Currently he is the WNC Safety Committee Chair.  With his co-organizer and committee members the First Annual WNC Westside Community Safety and Disaster Preparedness Fair was held in October. Jeff is committed to addressing WNC safety concerns by continuing to work with local law enforcement, fire department and first responders.  Jeff is married with two daughters who attend the local schools.


Seat #4 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #5 – [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located within the boundaries of Century Park West, Santa Monica Boulevard, Pico Boulevard and the Beverly Hills border.]
Louis Schillace:  Louis Schillace is Senior General Manager at Westfield Century City. Having been with the property since 2012, Louis has overseen the centers’ transformation over the past decade. He has spent his career in the retail and retail real estate industry having previously held positions at Williams-Sonoma, The Walt Disney Company, and Gap. He serves on the boards for the Century City Chamber of Commerce, Century City Business Improvement District Executive Committee, and the Greater Toluca Lake Neighborhood Council where he lives.



Seat #5 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #6 [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located within the boundaries of Century Park West, Santa Monica Boulevard, Pico Boulevard and the Beverly Hills border.]
Vicki Curry:  Vicki Curry is Vice President, Community Affairs Officer at FOX Corporation.  She recently served seven years on the communications team in the LA Mayor’s Office under Mayors Garcetti & Villaraigosa and previously spent 14 years as a reporter and producer for KCET-TV (PBS).  She’s been a resident of West LA since 1990.


Seat #6 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #7 [a resident residing within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Beverly Glen Boulevard (homes on the west side of the street), Santa Monica Boulevard and Pico Boulevard.]
Barbara Broide:   Barbara Broide is a long-time resident of the area active in civic affairs. Barbara is currently President of the Westwood South of Santa Monica Blvd. Homeowners Association ( and represents the WNC on the WRAC Land Use and Transportation Committees.  She is Co-President of the Coalition for a Beautiful Los Angeles, an organization dedicated to halting the proliferation of digital billboards in LA. Barbara’s interests include preservation of local land use control in opposition to Sacramento's current "one-size'fits-all" statewide zoning initiatives. 

Barbara serves on the Steering Committee of PlanCheckNC LA a volunteer group that provides programs and education to land use volunteers from NCs and communities across LA


Seat #7 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #8 [a resident residing within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Kelton Avenue, Pico Boulevard and National Boulevard]
Terri Tippit, Chair:  Terri Tippit is a co-founder of the WNC and serves as its Chair. Terri has been an advocate for this community for over 40 years. She co-founded and is president of the West of Westwood HOA ( and a former PTA President of Overland Ave School. She served as Chair of the city task force that created the Pico/Westwood Neighborhood Overlay District, the first NOD in the city. She is a Founding Member of the West LAPD Community-Police Advisory Board.


Seat #8 Alternate – Michael Woods
Born and raised in West Los Angeles, Michael has lived in the neighborhood with his family for almost 20 years.  He holds an MBA from the University of Michigan, a BA from Georgetown University, and is a graduate of Loyola High School (Los Angeles). Michael is a real estate executive with experience in all aspects of commercial real estate.  Committed to serving and improving the community, Michael is a certified AYSO coach and referee for West LA (Region 70), an Assistant Scout Master for both the St. Paul the Apostle Cub Scout Pack and Troop 223, and a lector at St. Paul the Apostle Church.


Seat #9 – [A resident within the boundaries of Midvale, Overland (excluding homes that are both on the east side of Overland and north of Northvale); Pico Blvd. and National Blvd. or residing on Dunleer Place or Coventry Place east of Overland.]
Sean McMillian:  Sean is a father of four, an advanced soccer referee, a licensed coach, a former chess master, and in my spare time I work as owner broker of Heyler Realty.

A third generation Angeleno, I have raised my family within a mile of the home my grandfather lived in 1927. You can find several locations around Westwood and Cheviot Hills whereby my name is etched in the sidewalk cement. I take great pride in cultivating community and in particular community outreach. I am a co-founder of the Santa Monica Chess Park, as it was a way of giving back to the game that had given so much to me. I often donate time with the Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition feeding and counseling homeless persons, as well as donating time at my church and children’s schools.

“I am eager to contribute to well being of my neighborhood and community at large.”


Seat #9 Alternate – Maura Howe
Maura Howe (she/her) has lived in the WNC since 2001, raising three children, who’ve all attended local  public schools. She is a fierce advocate for public education and has served on and headed up various committees at Overland Elementary, Palms Middle, and Hamilton High School. Maura was also involved with the local AYSO, Cub Scout Pack 5, and still is on the committee for BSA Troop 1. She is President of the Riddick Youth Center Executive Board. As a former radio reporter, Maura is very interested in media literacy, understanding how people receive and decipher information.



Seat #10 [a resident residing within the boundaries of Beverly Glen Boulevard (homes on the west side of the street), Fox Hills Drive, Santa Monica Boulevard and Pico Boulevard]
Galina Atencio:  Galina Atencio has been a resident of Century City since 2013. She attended UCLA and is a licensed CPA.  She has been an active follower of WNC, attending the meetings and participating in community outreach.  Galina and her family love and support local arts, education and volunteer their time to make the community the best and safe place to live.  The family enjoys walking in the neighborhood, taking public transportation and helping local businesses.  Galina is teaching her teenage daughter to be a responsible citizen and be involved in the neighborhood improvement.



Seat #10 Alternate – Celeste Wolfe
Celeste Wolfe has been a resident of Century City/WLA since 1982.  She is a happily married working professional and an active homeowner with the Century Glen HOA. She currently serves as the Block Captain for Orton Av, Fox Hills Dr, Almayo Av, and is the webmaster for her HOA’s new and improved website.  In 2021, she served with HEARD (Homeowners for Environmental and Responsible Development), organizing her neighborhood and its communications with the City in response to a new eldercare development. A regular attendee of Westside Neighborhood Council and Plan Check NCLA meetings, her interest is in land use, appropropriate neighborhood development, and City improvements in the area. She looks forward to being a continued asset in protecting our beautiful community and effectively communicating our interests with the City.



Seat #11 [a resident residing within the boundaries of Century Park West, Century Park East, Santa Monica Boulevard and Pico Boulevard.]
Mary Kusnic:  Mary Kusnic has been a resident of Century City since 1992 and has lived in West Los Angeles since 1990.   Mary was a founding member of the Century City Homeowners Alliance, a volunteer non-profit organization which represents nearly 1800 Century City homeowners and works to enhance the quality of life for the residents and all of Century City.   She is an active member of the Century City Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Board of Directors.  Mary routinely volunteers her time in service to the community and for non-profit organizations.


Seat #11 Alternate – Vacant


Seat #12 [a resident residing within the boundaries of Overland Avenue (homes on the east side of the street) (except homes on Dunleer Place and on Coventry Place between Overland Avenue and Dunleer Place), Pico Boulevard, Motor Avenue (between Pico Boulevard and Lorenzo Place), Monte Mar Avenue, Anchor Avenue, Dannyhill Drive (excluding all homes on Dannyhill Drive), Club Drive, Forrester Drive (excluding homes on the south side of the street between Queensbury Drive and Cavendish Drive), Queensbury Drive (homes on the west side of the street), Patricia Avenue (homes on the north side of the street), Motor Avenue (between Patricia Avenue and National) and the Santa Monica (10) Freeway]
Margaret Gillespie:  A graduate of UCLA Law School, Margaret has been a Westside resident since 1987.  She serves on the Board of the Cheviot Hills Homeowners’ Association, and she is deeply involved in multiple community nonprofits including Safe Place for Youth (providing care and support to youth experiencing homelessness), Ready to Succeed (assisting youth aging out of foster care to thrive, both personally and professionally), and Food on Foot (assisting adults experiencing homelessness to get back on their feet through employment, housing, and life skills education).

Margaret has two children who attended neighborhood schools. She is committed to serving our community and to keeping it the best place to live, work, and play.



Seat #12 Alternate – Mark Sedlander:  Mark is grateful to serve on the Westside Neighborhood Council. He sees inherent value in civic engagement generally and practical value in working with WNC board members, government officials, and other community members to make the Westside and Los Angeles even better for all people and businesses alike. Mark is a trial attorney and litigator based in Century City, and is a member of the Century City Bar Association Board of Governors and a member of the Judicial Elections Evaluations Committee of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He has been a member of the Cheviot Hills Homeowners’ Association Board since 2016. During his free time, you will find him with his wife, sons, and golden retriever exploring our city’s beautiful mountains and beaches.



Seat # 13 [a resident residing within the boundaries of Queensbury Drive (homes on the east side of the street), Forrester Drive (homes on the south side of the street), Cavendish Drive, Bridlevale Drive, Danalda Drive, Club Drive, Dannyhill Drive, Anchor Avenue, National Boulevard, Santa Monica (10) Freeway, Motor Avenue (homes on the west side of the street) and Patricia Avenue (homes on the south side of the street), which Seat Thirteen Area is depicted on Exhibit A-1 attached to these Bylaws and incorporated by this reference]
Jane Wishon, Parliamentarian:   A graduate of UCLA, Jane and her husband bought their first house on Selby and now have lived in Cheviot Hills for 28 years where she serves on her Homeowner’s Board. They’ve raised three children here and are deeply committed to the community. Jane has also become active in politics in response to the 2016 election and is a State Delegate to the Democratic Party.


Seat #13 Alternate – Allyson Saunders:  A New York transplant, Allyson Saunders has lived in the greater Los Angeles area since 1980, and currently serves as President of the CCCHA ( <>), where she and her husband have lived since 1999. Allyson also serves as Chair of the CCCHA Safety Committee, and puts her background in construction to use as a member of the Architectural Committee.  After 25 years in practice as a transactional lawyer at large national firms, Allyson started a solo practice in 2013, specializing in economic development. She devotes a substantial amount of her time to various charitable organizations, both local and national, including The Alliance for Children’s Rights, where she facilitates adoptions and works with foster youth transitioning to emancipation. Allyson was involved in the drafting of the charter documents in the early days of the WNC, and is happy to be back serving once again.


Seat #14 [a representative of Synagogues, Churches and other Religious Institutions in the Westside Neighborhood]
Shannon Burns, Treasurer:  Shannon Burns grew up on the Westside, graduating from Uni High and UCLA She has worked on the Westside as a Trust & Estates attorney since 1986. Shannon has been involved with the religious institutions within the WNC for over 20 years.  Shannon is a member of the Mobility and Pico Beautification Committees. She is active in her local community, co-forming a grassroots association to help tackle traffic safety issues. Shannon enjoys patronizing the small businesses in the WNC area with her family.


Seat #14 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #15 [a representative of Schools in the Westside Neighborhood]
Lindsay Shea:  Lindsay was born and raised on the westside of Los Angeles attending all neighborhood public schools.  She has served on the boards of Little Village Nursery School and is the current Co-PTA President at Overland Elementary School.  Lindsay is also a registered nurse and mother of three.  She is highly devoted to making public school education the best choice and experience for her community.

Seat #15 Alternate –  Jennifer Wang:  Jennifer Wang is a lawyer at TroyGould in Century City, where she litigates business disputes and advises employers on a wide range of issues.  Jen has lived on the Westside since starting law school at UCLA in 2008. She is now raising her family in the neighborhood. Jen loves volunteering in the community, including with Westwood Charter, the West LA Little League, and through UCLA School of Law’s mentorship program.



Seat #16 [a representative of Non-Profit Organizations in the Westside Neighborhood]
Karriann Farrell Hinds:  Karriann is Director of Government and Strategic Affairs for Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services.   Vista Del Mar is one of the longest standing nonprofit social services providers in Los Angeles, serving for 113-years in their current location at the intersections of Motor and Manning in the heart of the Westside Neighborhood Council boundaries.   The organization is proud of its presence in this community and look forward to serving as a connector between nonprofits, businesses and residents in the WNC district.  In addition to her work with Vista Del Mar, Karriann serves in leadership on several boards and organizations committed to gender equality and addressing issues of social injustice. A graduate of UC Berkeley and Loyola Law School, Karriann lives in Cheviot Hills with her husband, a fellow attorney, 2 children and a rescue dog named Cocovelli.


Seat #16 Alternate


Seat #17 [a representative of “At Large” Stakeholders]
Joanne Dorfman:  23 year local resident. Independent Jewelry designer, President of The Marshall P. Riddick Youth Center, Vice president of West of Westwood Homeowners Association. Married with one daughter.


Seat #17 Alternate – VACANT


Seat #18 [a resident residing within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Beverly Glen Boulevard (homes on the west side of the street), Santa Monica Boulevard and Pico Boulevard.]
Joseph Roth:  A native Angeleno, Joseph Roth has lived on the Westside for many years as a corporate communications/public affairs professional.  He has completed the LAPD Citizens’ Police Academy, and – after seeing developments proposed as part of the Transit-Orient Communities program – became more active in the Westwood South of Santa Monica Blvd Homeowners’ Association (  Joseph’s policy interests include issues involving energy, land use, sustainability and transportation.


Seat #18 Alternate – Jay Jacoby:  Jay, recently retired after spending 22 years with AAA Flag and Banner, has lived in this area for over 55 years after moving from South Bend, Indiana.  A huge sports fan and active golfer, he looks forward to getting involved in local activities and neighborhood interests.


Seat #19 [an owner, operator or an employee of a business located within the boundaries of San Diego Freeway (405), Century Park West, Santa Monica Boulevard, and Pico Boulevard]


Seat #19 Alternate


2019 Westside Neighborhood Council Selection Open Seats and Candidate Statements

2019 Neighborhood Council Selection Westside Canvass of Votes


© 2023 Westside Neighborhood Council.  Created by K. Smith, The Mailroom

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