Enlaces y Alianzas
Pico Beautification Project
The Pico Beautification Project or “Walk This Way” has been a dream of many in the area for some years now. This committee is gathering the approval of the CD5 office and has brought in experts in the field of urban landscaping in the hopes of transforming Pico into the lively, beautiful walk/shop street it has always had the potential to become. New businesses are setting up shop on Pico everyday and there seems to be a ground swell of support from business owners and residents alike. The WNC has set aside funding for this project and hopes to involve the community with the planning and maintenance of this exciting project. Help us make Pico Pretty!… Join us at our next meeting, we would love to hear your ideas. Meeting are scheduled on a “as needed” basis.
Meeting Location: meets as needed
Chair: Lisa Morocco
Members: Colleen Mason Heller, Sarah Shaw, Shlomo Fattal
Pico Boulevard is both an asset and an issue sorely in need of attention in the Westside Neighborhood. At the crossroads of Pico and Westwood Boulevards, a community center that we are calling “Pico Beautification Zone” stretches out along the blocks north to Santa Monica Boulevard and also east and west from the 405 Freeway through Rancho Park.
It is home to a wide variety of local shops and restaurants. Focusing attention on the inverted “T” crossroads of Pico and Westwood could produce a long lasting dividend for the Neighborhood.
This Pico Beautification Zone represents an excellent opportunity for the WNC to reach out to implement a set of next steps in an incremental program of achievable objectives. With a sustained effort to reach out to local business and property owners, as well as residents, the WNC could work toward a more coherent and aesthetically pleasing commercial environment to successfully position this Rancho Park Village as the “shop and walk” small town in the big city. The Pico Beautification Zone “opportunity” was identified during a November 2003 visioning study involving the WNC board members and conducted by the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development. The school issued a February 12, 2004 report on the study, which is available upon request.